


  • Tracking and recording your classes and grades
  • Preparing and distributing class schedules
  • 指派学术顾问
  • Issuing transcripts and grade reports
  • Evaluating HOPE eligibility and transfer credits
  • 验证注册
  • Assisting with the graduation process


年轻的哈里斯学院通过国家学生信息中心向参与的学校发送电子成绩单. 这项服务只适用于1993年秋季或之后开始就读YHC的学生.

Currently enrolled students may obtain an unofficial transcript through Self-Service.

Official transcripts may be requested:

  • 在线 通过 National Student Clearinghouse
  • 在人 通过新葡京app位于罗林斯校园中心底层的注册办公室. Cash, check or credit card are accepted for payment.




达到4分的学生.0 grade point average are eligible to be named to the 总统列表. See who’s on in the list for Spring 2024.

a group of people in a classroom


达到3分的学生.5 grade point average or better are eligible to be named to the 优秀学生名单. See who’s on in the list for Spring 2024.

常见问题 关于记录 

Does YHC offer federal benefits for veteran students?

Veterans at Young Harris College are eligible to receive the following federal benefits:

  • Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (Chapter 30)
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Chapter 31)
  • Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)
  • Dependent’s Educational Assistance (Chapter 35)
  • Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606)
  • Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607)

A Veteran Intent to Enroll Form 必须在每学期注册时提交注册证明,以便提交给退伍军人事务部. 学生有责任通知VA认证官员任何时间表的变化, including added or dropped courses, 取款, 或者换专业.

Will my credits transfer to YHC?

青年哈里斯学院 Transfer Equivalency website is a guide to how classes at your current or former school may transfer to YHC. 查看你的信用记录, 新葡京app网站. 向下滚动,找到你以前上过课的机构,点击学校的链接. From there, you will be able to check to see how Young Harris College accepts the credit.

课程列表中出现的事实并不保证该课程将在您的个人情况下转移, 事实上,一个课程是你现在或以前的学校列出的,并不能保证学校目前正在开设这门课程或计划在未来开设这门课程.

Once a decision has been made on a transfer student application, 接受转学学分的最终决定最终由学院注册主任和系主任做出. 你必须提交所有已完成课程的正式成绩单,才能对学分转移做出最终决定.

Our equivalency system is subject to frequent revision. 每个机构的目录日期反映了该学校转学等效性的最新修订日期.

Can my family access my academic records and other student information?

家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA)允许学生新葡京app他们的教育记录,并限制其他人新葡京app这些记录的能力, 除非法律授权.

  1. 有权在学院收到新葡京app请求之日起45天内检查和审查学生的教育记录. 学生应向注册主任提交书面请求,确定学生希望检查的记录. 教务处将安排查阅,并通知学生查阅记录的时间和地点. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar’s Office, 教务处将安排学生在各方同意的时间和地点查看所要求的记录. Such arrangements will be scheduled within the allotted time limit.
  2. 要求修改学生认为不准确的教育记录的权利, 误导, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should write the College Registrar, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, 学院将以书面形式通知学生有关决定,以及学生就修改请求举行听证会的权利. 有关听证会程序的其他信息将在通知学生有权参加听证会时提供给学生.
  3. 在学院从学生的教育记录中披露个人身份信息之前,有权提供书面同意, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. 根据FERPA的例外规定,学院在没有学生事先书面同意的情况下,向具有合法教育利益的学校官员披露教育记录. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, 监督, 学术或研究, or support staff position (including security unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using College employees or officials (such as an attorney, 审计师, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. 如果学校官员为了履行他或她在学院的专业职责而需要审查教育记录,则学校官员具有合法的教育利益.
  4. 一般, 在公布学生教育记录的任何信息之前,青年哈里斯学院必须得到学生的书面许可. 然而, the law and Young Harris College policies allow disclosure of records, without consent of the student, 致:
    • 大学员工在履行其职业职责时,有合法的需要知道
    • Parents of dependent students as defined by the Internal Revenue Code
    • Persons who need to know in cases of health and safety emergencies
    • Accrediting organizations to carry out accrediting functions
    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
    • Federal, State, and local governmental officials for purposes authorized by law
    • Individuals who have lawfully obtained court orders or subpoenas
    • Organizations conducting educational studies for the College
    • Other schools to which a student is applying or transferring
    • Courts during litigation between the College and the student or parent
    • Alleged victim of crime of violence after final results of a disciplinary hearing
  5. 目录信息 The College designates the following as public or “目录信息:”

    • 学生的名字
    • 地址(固定的)
    • 学习计划
    • 程度上寻求
    • expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation
    • 所获学位及奖项
    • 出席日期
    • full or part time enrollment status
    • previous educational agency or institution attended
    • participation in officially recognized activities and sports
    • weight and height of athletic team members and other similar information
    • 分类(年级水平)
    • 电子邮件地址
    • 照片

    Students may restrict the release of “目录信息,“除了具有合法教育利益的学校官员和上文第4点所述的其他人. To do so, a student must make the request 以书面形式 to the Registrar’s Office, P.O. Box 96, Young Harris, GA, 30582. 一旦提起, 此请求将成为学生记录的永久部分,直到学生指示注册主任, 以书面形式, 删除请求.

  6. Parental/Legal Guardian Rights 学院将向证明学生经济独立的家长或法定监护人提供成绩和学生教育记录, as defined in Section 152 of the 1986 Internal Revenue Code. 家长或法定监护人将被要求签署一份信息发布协议,并遵循第1条详细说明的程序.
  7. 有权就学院未能遵守FERPA的要求向美国教育部提出投诉. 在很多情况下, complaints relative to FERPA can be resolved within the College on an informal basis. 任何希望讨论FERPA投诉的学生可以联系教务处副校长, P.O. Box 242, #学院街1号, Young Harris, GA, 30582. To file a FERPA complaint with the 美国教育部, contact the Office that administers FERPA at:

Family Policy Compliance Office

How can I access old academic catalogs?

The 2010-2011 academic year was the launch date for 青年哈里斯学院 online catalogs, 可以在我们的 目录页面 by selecting the appropriate catalog year from the drop-down menu.

If you are looking for content from older catalogs, please 电子邮件 您向注册商发出的请求,说明您所请求的信息和您的联系信息. Please allow at least 5 business days for us to process your request.



The Office of the Registrar is located on the bottom floor of the 罗林斯校园中心. 我们的办公时间是早上8点.m. 到5点.m. 星期一至星期五.

